Fully qualified hypnotherapist
As a certified hypnotherapist I have trained in various modern therapies and drawn strategies and techniques from hypnosis, NLP, EMDR, Kinetic Shift, Parts Therapy, Regression and BWRT, specifically to assist you in being a non-smoker.
I have also completed other many training courses specifically related to smoking cessation and constantly researching and looking for new ideas and skills to make your transition back to being a non-smoker as easy as possible.
Whilst I am perfectly qualified to work with many other issues, smoking cessation is my speciality.
Having been a smoker many years ago, I know how difficult it may seem to quit the habit, however I stopped after only a one-hour session with a hypnotist and have never smoked (or wanted) a cigarette since. A £45 investment (it was a long time ago) has saved me over £40000 (probably a lot more) and possibly saved me decades of quality life.